One of the AIA components in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, representing over 6,000 AIA Members host the Annual New England Architecture Awards.
New England Architecture Awards
The New England Design Awards program celebrates architects from, and architecture in, New England.
AIA Maine is hosting the 2024 New England Awards.
Registration closed August 2nd.
Winners are notified by August 30, 2024.
Awards event will be October 18th at
The Portland Masonic, Portland, ME
Registration will open soon.
New England EP Friendly Firms
New England firms awarded with this designation are committed to the advancement of Emerging Professionals through various initiatives that foster professional development and personal growth.
The 2024-25 New England AIA Components Emerging Professional Friendly Firm Survey is officially open!
CLICK HERE for information and the survey link
The survey will close on September 20, 2024, at 11:59 pm